Tips for Managing and Living with Bipolar Disorder (+ Tips for Supporting a Loved One)

The National Institutes of Health states that bipolar disorder is “a mental illness that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, activity levels, and concentration”. Someone with bipolar disorder will often have mood swings ranging from gloomy lows to crazed highs. These unusual shifts can often make everyday life more challenging than it is for those without bipolar disorder. If you or someone you know has bipolar disorder, we wanted to share some tips for not just managing and living with it, but also how to support a loved one who is battling bipolar disorder. 

Tips for Managing and Living with Bipolar Disorder:

  • Establish a daily routine

    • Having a routine will keep things predictable and set your internal clock to the same expectations each day. Establishing a routine for the day will assist with your ability to get a good night rest as well!

  • Journal often:

    • Journaling provides the benefits of talking about anything and everything in your life without judgment or pressure. 

  • Get to know your triggers:

    • Take note of what triggers you when your shifts occur. By finding connections between shifts you can narrow down your most common and frequent triggers. By knowing your triggers you can make a plan as to how to avoid them or how to cope with them!

  • Exercise daily:

    • Getting daily exercise and movement supports positive mood stability.

  • Lean on your support team:

    • Know who in your life is a safe space to go to and who is not. When experiencing shifts in your mood, lean on your support system and utilize them as needed. It is important to have a team around you!

Tips for Supporting a Loved One:

  • Be patient:

    • It is important to understand that this is a disorder, not a choice. They are not choosing these shifts and often do not have much control over this either. Be patient and show support to those who are suffering.

  • Check in:

    • Check in with your loved one and let them know you are thinking of them. Make sure they know you are there when they are experiencing symptoms of their disorder

  • Learn their triggers:

    • Learning triggers is one of the most beneficial things you can do for a loved one with bipolar disorder. You can simply ask them or try to take note of them and figure them out on your own. No matter how you do it, knowing their triggers can help your loved one to avoid them or to manage symptoms when they occur

We hope that these lists can help you support yourself or those in your life who are experiencing bipolar disorder!


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