Five Tips to Help You Get to Know Yourself More

As we begin a new year, we often hear people speak about their resolutions and the improvements they want to make in their lives. A lot of times these new changes include routines, self-care, journaling, and other areas of self-improvement. However, it can be challenging to make improvements if you do not feel that you truly know yourself as an individual. We thought we would share a few tips and strategies to help you get to know yourself better and allow you to be more successful in those resolutions or goals you have for yourself this year! 

Take some time to visualize yourself and who you want to be

  • Start by taking some time alone to close your eyes and visualize who you are. How do you see yourself? How do you present yourself to your friends, family, and the public? Is the way you view yourself and the way you present yourself to others the same? Are you presenting yourself the way you pictured you would be? What changes could you make to be the person you have always envisioned?

Make a list

  • Make a list of good qualities or things you like/love about yourself, similar to a pros & cons list! Take a little time to think about some qualities you would like to change or improve upon.

Spend some time alone

  • Take yourself on a date or a little getaway. Spending time alone gives you time to reflect on yourself and your personality.

Review the company you keep

  • Think about the people you spend your time with. Do they have the values and traits you wish to have or envision for yourself? How can you surround yourself with peers who hold the same values as you?

Think about your daily routines

  • Take a look at your daily routine - what does it look like? What routines and habits do you have? What do these say about the person you are?

We hope these exercises will help you get to know yourself better and allow you to make the changes or improvements you hope to be successful with this year!


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