Five Ways to Spread Kindness

I feel that one of the most substantial ways to fill your heart with joy and contentment is by sharing kindness, rather than receiving it. Going out of your way with the smallest gesture of kindness is enough to impact someone’s day in a very monumental way. Over the next week, I encourage you to implement at least one of these five techniques to spread kindness. It will not only benefit your mood, but those around you.

  1.  Practice saying “I love you” or “I appreciate you” to someone. It can be your significant other, mom, dad, sister, brother, friend- anyone you deeply care for. Speaking it with intent and purpose will help fill your loved one’s heart with gratitude and appreciation, along with yours.

  2. The next time you eat out at a restaurant, when you are signing the check, write some words of encouragement to the waiter on it. It can be as simple as, “You're the best” or “Have a great shift.” This is something that can take such a minimal effort to do, but can impact someone’s day in the best way possible.

  3. Ask a coworker, roommate, or family member, “Is there anything I can do to help you?” For me, when I am asked this by Taylor or a friend, my day is immediately made. Even if I don't actually need help with anything, the thought to ask goes a long way and makes my heart so happy.

  4. Call someone by their name. This one may sound a little random but hear me out. Next time you're out at the grocery store, bank, gas station, mall, restaurant– really anywhere, instead of just saying a simple,  “Thank you” look down at their name tag and say, “Thank you, Jessica” or whatever their name is. This is a trait that my fiance, Taylor, constantly exhibits and you can physically see on the person’s face how much it means to them.

  5. Choose a few people in your contacts that you haven't talked to or heard from in a while and shoot them a simple text. This can be anything. It can be as easy as saying, “Hey you came across my mind today and I just wanted to tell you I'm thinking of you,” or “Hey I was just thinking about you, hope you're doing well.” You never know what kind of day someone is having. It could be the best day ever or the worst day ever. A simple, “Thinking of you” message can go such a long way.

“You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thoughts on Cheslie Kryst, Depression & Suicide


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