Thoughts on Cheslie Kryst, Depression & Suicide

I tend to not pay attention to the news. From death, war, politics and everything in between… I prefer to keep myself ignorant to all that is “going wrong” in the world. Yes, I know that’s probably not the smartest thing to do because it is always good to be informed but I am a deep feeler, so when I hear destruction and hurt my heart can’t help but ache. 

Just over a week ago was the death of Cheslie Kryst.

When I heard the news from a friend, I looked Cheslie up to see who she was. After learning about the kind of a human she was and how she took her life, I couldn’t shake it. My chest felt heavy, my palms became sweaty and I found myself overwhelmed with emotion. Cheslie was somebody who “had it all.” She was an Emmy-nominated correspondent, attorney, blogger, advocate and 2019 Miss USA- and after reading that lengthy list of badges she wore I’m sure you would agree. How could someone that has so much going for them want to take their own life? 

Even with all of the mental health advocacy we see today it is so hard for many of us to understand that mental health struggles do not always “have a look.” Just because someone appears happy on the outside does not necessarily mean that they are “happy” internally. You can be the life of the party, always laughing and cracking jokes and be depressed. You can be a confident and successful business person with no financial struggles and be suicidal. You can “have it all” but feel completely empty inside.

It is people like Cheslie who push me to advocate harder & love people deeper. We need to make sure we are not only checking in on our friends that are visibly going through a rough season but also those who are our strong friends, our happy friends, our “always laughing” friends. Both are EQUALLY as important. We need to love each other more, empower each other, support each other and care for each other. Encourage yourself and your friends to take steps towards healing - through prayer, meditation, therapy, art, music, reading, movement, sunshine, cooking, family… whatever YOU need.

If you are reading this post know that you are so deeply and unconditionally loved. I love you, God loves you & your life matters.

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