Celebrate the Little Victories

With social media as such a prevalent part of our lives, at times it can be hard to feel content and happy where you are. Constantly seeing others achievements, experiences, and more displayed on their own curated space of highlights impacts everyone over time.

Something I often lose track of that I am actively working on is celebrating the little victories in life. A quote I love that reminds me of this is, “If the version of you from five years ago could see you right now, they’d be so proud. Keep going” -unknown

I am making an effort to celebrate all the little achievements and positive moments or details in my life. Whether that be the launch of Lemons, Remi learning a new trick we have been practicing, or successfully keeping a plant in our garden alive long enough to grow a new vegetable. Each victory is significant no matter how big or small! 

One way we can practice consciously celebrating these moments is by making a list of three positive things each day. I like to do this in my journal with three simple bullet points but you can also do this by simply keeping a running note on your phone organized by date. I have found with my schedule it is easier to make a list each morning of three positive moments or things from the day before but I have friends who write three things about their day each night before bed. 

However it fits best into your daily life, this simple 2-3 minute activity can help keep you positive and celebrate the good in your life. My favorite thing to do is look back at the end of the month on all the big and small positive moments of that month. I challenge you to try this for one month and see how nice it is to look back on those little victories each day!


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