Finding an Outlet

With the everyday pressures of life, work, relationships, and more, it is extremely beneficial to overall mental health to have an outlet each day. An outlet is essentially a mental escape that allows you to decompress and focus on yourself for a bit of time. Outlets are something that can be utilized daily or weekly. You can also have a few different mental health outlets that you spread out throughout each week. Some of my outlets include: gardening, walking the dogs, taking a bath, and exercise. These are all things that reset my day and give me some mental clarity and time to myself. 

In order to find your own mental health outlet, I would suggest starting by making a list of tasks or activities that you feel good after you finish them. This could be a long broad list. Next, start to narrow that list down by crossing off items that are not realistic for daily or weekly life. For example, I love getting massages, but a weekly massage isnt the most realistic outlet for me to incorporate, so I would cross that off. Crossing items off does not mean you will not be doing that anymore it just means it’s not something you are going to expect of yourself on a very frequent basis. 

Once you have a list of items or tasks that you can easily incorporate into daily or weekly life I would try some out for a few weeks to see what flows the nicest into your life. An outlet should not be a stressful thing. It should relieve your pressure rather than add to it. This should be a healthy and happy activity that you enjoy and look forward to.

I hope you find an outlet that easily works into your life! I encourage you to try some out and share what your outlet is on our Lemons by Tay Instagram page! 

Here is my list of outlets!

  • Reading

  • Face masks

  • Walking Remi and Lily

  • Gardening

  • Massage or Facial

  • Phone call with loved ones

  • Napping 

  • Candycrush 

  • Bath time


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